Tracks for Rehearsal
Sing Share Songs
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Congregational Hymn: Wonderful Grace of Jesus (CM leading)
Lightshine –Martin (CM)
The Majesty and Glory of Your Name –Fettke/Johnson (CM)
Mary, Did You Know?- Lowry/Greene/Schrader (Melinda Mayo, soloist) (CC leading)
Down to the River to Pray -Curry (CC)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross -Mallory (w congregation) (CM)
Amazing Love -Kendrick/Clydesdale (CM)
Jesus Paid It All -Sterling (CC)
Because He Lives -Schrader (w congregation) (CC)
At the Name of Jesus- Berry (CM)
Congregational Hymn: Wonderful Grace of Jesus (CM leading)
Lightshine –Martin (CM)
The Majesty and Glory of Your Name –Fettke/Johnson (CM)
Mary, Did You Know?- Lowry/Greene/Schrader (Melinda Mayo, soloist) (CC leading)
Down to the River to Pray -Curry (CC)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross -Mallory (w congregation) (CM)
Amazing Love -Kendrick/Clydesdale (CM)
Jesus Paid It All -Sterling (CC)
Because He Lives -Schrader (w congregation) (CC)
At the Name of Jesus- Berry (CM)