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Sunday School Classes & Small Groups

At Melrose, Bible study and fellowship are extremely important.


Women of Faith

Room 205

Married and single women are welcome in this class to study the Bible in order to strengthen their faith and learn to live a better Christian life. Fellowship, sharing, concerns, and responding to the needs of others is a focus of this class.


Room 602

A diverse class of men and women ranging in ages from 45-90. This group gathers as a family to show their love for God as Jesus Christ taught us to do.


Room 603

This class is open to all women who are young at heart. Together they delve into Scripture while learning and sharing with one another. This class is full of fun, fellowship, love, and support.

Pairs and spares

Room 604

A co-ed class of single and married individuals who are 50 and older. Together they study the Bible through instruction combined with lively and challenging discussion. This class enjoys a variety of social activities and are annually involved with Operation Christmas Child.


Room 605

Singles and couples of any age who self-identify as “free thinkers” are welcome to join this class. The core of this class is a love for God and missions. This group enjoys various activities including making apple butter, social gatherings, and a Christmas party.


Room 704

This ladies only class varies in ages from 45-90 and is made up of singles, marries, and widows. Joy and love are demonstrated through Bible study and mission projects. This group gathers together for fellowship several times a year.

Pierced Footprints

Room 706

An adult class open to all ages who study the Bible together through open discussion using various resources. Priorities of this class also include various mission projects and occasional social gatherings.


Room 706

Made up of senior singles and couples that are mission-minded and are very active in their mission efforts. Fellowship is an important aspect of this class along with social and spiritual gatherings.

Joyful Disciples

Room 712

A younger aged class comprised of men and women both married and single. Instead of using traditional Bible study materials, this class uses older and newly released books from a range of topics. Some topics have included Heaven, the Book of James, women of the Bible, and “Shrewd Christian” lifestyle.

The Bridge

Room 709

The Bridge is a group for young adults that endeavors to offer opportunities for discipleship and spiritual formation in the context of the business of life.  We meet on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM for fellowship, prayer, and to discuss questions of faith and Scripture.  We also offer an active social media presence through our Instagram feed, @thebridgembc, as well as regular podcast series so that members of our group can find spiritual nourishment wherever they might be - at work, in between classes, or just in a quiet moment.

Christian lifestyles

Monday Evening at Members Homes

A group of ladies taking time to get away from every day pressures and concerns.  A time to relax with our Lord and friends, a time of fellowship and Bible study, and a time of sharing and caring.

Looking for a new sunday school class or a group for fellowship?

Fill out the form below and let's connect! Our Sunday school leaders and staff are more than happy to help find the right group for you in order for you to grow as a disciple!