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Ministerial Staff

Rev. Mark Mofield

Senior Pastor

Mark leads and oversees all of the ministries at MBC, as well as providing spiritual guidance and leadership as we cast our vision for the future. He enjoys all sports, especially football, basketball, and golf (including the disc variety), as well as reading, videogames, and anything related to superheroes. He attended the University of Richmond and Duke University Divinity School. Mark started serving at MBC in 2020.

Rev. greg hetherington

Associate Pastor

Greg oversees our children’s, youth, and senior adult ministries with many activities and opportunities for spiritual development. He enjoys singings, coaching volleyball, jigsaw puzzles, and time on the golf course. He is a graduate of Stetson University and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Greg started serving at MBC in 2009.

Rev. dr. Connie cruze

Associate Pastor & Minister of Music

Originally from Knoxville, TN, Connie joined our staff here at Melrose in January of 2022. As our minister of music, Connie oversees all musical, instrumental, and theatrical aspects of our worship service(s).  Always on the move, Connie works hard to make sure that all generations are reflected in every worship service. She enjoys singing, ringing handbells, writing choral arrangements, playing harp, flute, guitar, and traveling to do music missions in Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Honduras, Puerto Rico and Haiti.

Office & Support Staff

Shelly Lane

Office Manager

Shelly works to keep the church records, finances, and other clerical items up to date and organized. She works with the church Treasurers to make sure all bills are paid on time and correctly. Shelly also works to organize the church calendar, church events, and works with the pastors on all needed clerical projects.

Blair Thurman

Communications Coordinator 

Blair serves as our Communications Coordinator and is tasked with designing, organizing, and publishing all church communications. Blair oversees our social media channels, website, and all printed content. In her free time you can find Blair hanging out with her dog, Zoey, and her Mom, Susan in their home watching Netflix or out and about on one of their many adventures.

Susan Matney

Church Musician

As a life long member of Melrose Baptist, Susan has filled many roles including Music Director, Church Historian, and now Church Musician. In this role Susan accompanies many of the musical performances on Sunday mornings during worship by playing both the piano and organ. 

Tim whitt

Church Custodian 

Tim has worked with or at MBC for that past 9 years. Tim makes sure that the building is properly cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis and before every worship service or special event. He also works to make sure that all spaces are properly organized for events and that all our ministries are properly cared for before their regular meetings.