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Music Ministries

Music is a vital part of our worship. Each week at least one of our music ministries perform during the worship service.
With a converging of all styles, all those interested have a chance to share their God-given talent with all in attendance.

Sanctuary choir

Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM

Shalom Handbell Choir

Rehearsals on Tuesday evenings at 6:15 PM

A five-octave keeps these ringers busy for sharing in worship. This group meets and rehearses on Tuesday evenings at 6:15 PM in the Choir Room.

Praise Band

Rehearsals as needed

This group of multi-generational musicians and singers  is our newest ensemble. They serve and perform on selected Sundays and rehearse periodically.


Rehearsals as needed

Some of our worshippers use their instrumental gifts to serve as accompanists during selected Sunday mornings.

Sonshine Choir

Special Performances and groups

Meetings on every other Thursday morning at 10:30 AM

A part of our music and Senior Adult Ministries this energetic group periodically performs at local nursing homes and will travel to perform at some of our homebound members place of residence. They use special bells and books to ring and sing their favorite hymns. No music reading knowledge is required. This group meets most Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM.
Pastor Connie loves to work with individuals or groups who wish to perform during Sunday Morning Worship or special services. 

Music Ministries interest form

Do you have a musical gift that you wish to share with others? Fill out the form below to get into contact with our music minister, Pastor Connie.

Pastor Connie welcomes ALL who play an instrument or sing, or are interested learning how.