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Bulletin for Sunday, November 24

As We Gather

Melrose Instrumentalists

Opening of the Word
Willow Spencer

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg

Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God" & "For All These Things" 

As We Guide

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg

As We Give

Hymn: #639 "Now Thank All Our God"

Offertory Prayer
Thalia Engebretson

Offertory: #577 "My Tribute"
Melrose Instrumentalists, Sanctuary Choir, Donna Tobey, & Susan Matney

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark

As We Grow

Scripture Reading: Matt. 13:44
Annie Richerson

Response to Scripture: #557 "More Precious Than Silver"

Sermon: "Hidden Treasure"
Pastor Mark

An Invitation: #143 "You Are My All in All" 

As We Go

Pastor Greg

Sending Song: #567 "Give Thanks"

Pastor Mark

Postlude: #393 "The Family of God"
Melrose Instrumentalists & Susan Matney 

Verse of the Week

"Let us come to Him with thanksgiving! Let us sing psalms of praise to Him!"
- Psalm 95:2

Events & Announcements 

Thanksgiving Service 
We invite all to join us for a casual Thanksgiving worship service and Communion on Wednesday, November 27 at 6:30 PM. This service is a chance for us to gather together to give thanks for God’s blessings.
Happening Soon: Makers on Mission
We are hosting a special Creatives Night on Sunday, December 1 at 5 PM. We are inviting creatives of all ages to join us as we make tie fleece blankets to donate to local mission partners. We will also be celebrating Christmas with a small Christmas Party with food and sweet treats.
Upcoming: “O Holy Light"
We will begin the Advent season with a performance of our Christmas Cantata “O Holy Light” during worship on Sunday, December 1 starting at 10:45 AM. Performing this cantata will be our Sanctuary Choir and children’s choir along with the choir from Thrasher United Methodist Church in Vinton, VA. Members of the Shalom Handbell Choir, Melrose Instrumentalists, and fellow instrumentalists from Thraser UMC will also be performing. Come and experience the wonder that this cantata performance will inspire.

If you are unable to make it in-person, please join us virtually by watching our live stream by going to or by downloading the Melrose Baptist app. There will also be an evening performance of this cantata at Thrasher UMC on Sunday, December 8 at 6 PM.
This Advent: “All God’s Children”
On the second Sunday of Advent, December 8, join us during worship at 10:45 AM to experience a presentation of the story of Jesus’ birth through Living Christmas Cards. Our children’s choir, the Master’s Music Makers, has reached out to their Melrose family members of all ages, to help tell this amazing story!
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