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Bulletin for Sunday, October 6

As We Gather

Sunday School Class Focus
Chris Sloane- Youth

Teresa Wallace

Opening of the Word
James and Sally Jones

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg

Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God" & #276 "Aleluya"

As We Guide

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg

As We Give

Hymn of the Month: "By Faith"

Stewardship Moment

Offertory Prayer
Sandy Sloane


As We Grow 

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark

Scripture Reading: John 3:16
Pastor Trice and Tom Tickle

Sermon: "The Macro Gospel"
Pastor Mark

Partaking in Holy Communion

An Invitation: #405 "In Remembrance"


As We Go

Sending Song: #389 "Blest Be the Tie"


Susan Matney 

Events and Announcements 

Anyone who has been a part of the Melrose Baptist Youth Group is welcome to attend a reunion on Saturday, October 5 from 11 AM- 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be served at 1 PM with a group picture being taken at 3 PM. If you have any questions please contact Pam Wheeling.
Save the Date: Fall Festival
We are getting ready for one of our largest and most fun community events of the year, our FALL FESTIVAL! We have a whole day of fun activities for all ages scheduled. To see the schedule for the day, GO HERE. You can also see the schedule by clicking on the image within your Melrose Baptist app!

Here is how you can help us prepare for this amazing event: 
  • Candy Donations: We are in need of donations of candy to use during the trick-or-treating part of our festival. Donations can be placed in the Fellowship Hall!
Mission Trip Prayer Calendar
Pastor Connie has left to join others from the Women’s Missionary Union of Virginia as they travel together to Peru to serve others in remote villages. Before her departure, Pastor Connie created a prayer calendar for the trip that we are publishing daily on the church’s website which you can FIND HERE. Go to that link every morning at 7 AM for an update of that they group is doing and what prayer requests are needed.

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