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Bulletin for Sunday, February 9

As We Gather 

Judy Caudill

Opening of the Word
Pastor Mark

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg

Fellowship Song: #393 "The Family of God" & "This is Amazing Grace" 

As We Guide

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg

As We Give

Hymn Medley: #68 "Holy Holy Holy" & #66 "Open the Eyes of My Heart"

Offertory Prayer
Pat Tickle

Offertory: "10,000 Reasons"
Sanctuary Choir & Susan Matney

As We Grow

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 6:1-13
Pastor Greg

Sermon: "Whom Shall I Send?"
Pastor Mark

An Invitation: #440 "Here I Am, Lord"


As We Go

Hymn: Chorus of "This is Amazing Grace"

Susan Matney

Verse of the Week

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom should I send, and who will go for us?" So I said, "Here am I. Send me."" - Isaiah 6:8       

Events & Announcements 

Dartball Fellowship
Dartball Fellowship is taking place on Monday, February 10 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Dartball is a fun game that is a mixture between baseball and darts. All experience levels are welcome! Please bring a snack to share!
Next Sunday: WMU Focus Sunday
Join us next Sunday, February 16 as recognize the work of the Women's Missionary Union. First, all are welcome to attend a continental breakfast starting at 8:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Then, stay for worship at 10:45 AM as we welcome our guest speaker, Somer Novak. Somer served as a missionary in Asia along side her husband and two children for the International Missions Board (IMB). Currently she serves as IMB's Director of Prevention and Response Administration. 
The Melrose members of the WMUV are beginning to plan for their March mission trip to Southwest Virginia and are in need of cotton ditty bags in order to hand out personal hygiene items to those in need. If you are someone who likes to sew then this is the perfect opportunity to use your creative gifts to serve others!
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED then please email Blair at If we have enough people interested we may be able to set up a work day here at the church to be able to share supplies. If not then Blair can share the set of instructions with you so you can make them on your own time.
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