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Bulletin for Sunday, October 27

As We Gather

Small Group Focus
Stephanie Cook, Christian Lifestyles

Prelude: "Amazing Grace"
Darcy Havens, soloist, bagpipes

Verse of the Week: "For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him."
- 1 Thessalonians 4:14

Pastor Greg

Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God"

As We Guide 

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg

As We Give

Hymn: "By Faith"

Offertory Prayer
Pastor Greg

Offertory: "For All the Saints"
Sanctuary Choir, Melrose Instrumentalists, & Susan Matney

All Saints' Day Memorial

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark

As We Grow

Scripture Reading: Revelation 21:1-7
Joyce Ikenberry

Message in Music: "Be Still My Soul/Find Us Faithful"
Sanctuary Choir, Melrose Instrumentalists, & Susan Matney

Sermon: "How Do We Get to the Next Things?"
Pastor Mark

In Invitation: #449 "Because He Lives"

As We Go

Pastor Greg

Sending Song: #598 "Find Us Faithful"


Postlude: #393 "The Family of God"
Melrose Instrumentatlits & Susan Matney 

Events & Announcements

Come and help us organize for the packing party! 
The deadline to bring your donations for the Disaster Relief Buckets is this Sunday, October 27. If you would like to volunteer to help with organizing next week, the following dates and times are when we will be working: Monday October 28 at 2:30, Tuesday October 29 at 2:30, Thursday October 31 at 2:30 and Friday November 1 at 1pm. If you would like to volunteer for the Packing Party, please arrive by 3pm on Sunday November 3. If you have questions, please contact Amy Mofield at

For more information, go here.
November Creatives Night
We invite all to come and join us on Sunday, November 10 at 5 PM to learn the essentials to making Chrismon ornaments. Chrismons are ornaments made during Advent that are symbolic of the name, life, and saving acts of Jesus Christ. You will have the choice of either making cross stitched or beaded ornaments. Instruction will be given for both ways and ALL supplies will be provided. Also, if you have a full tree but still want to learn how to make these ornaments, come and join us and donate your creation to the church to use on our Chrismon tree in the Sanctuary! Registration is not needed and this event is FREE!

Note: If you are planning on learning to cross stitch an ornaments, please bring a small embroidery hoop with you!
Operation Christmas Child 2024
We invite you to help participate in this year’s Operation Christmas Child drive by picking up a box to fill this Sunday. Boxes will be located near the stage in the Fellowship Hall. We invite you to bring your packed box back to Melrose on Sunday, November 24. To learn more about Operation Christmas Child and to learn what to pack in a box, go to the Samaritan’s Purse website HERE.

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