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12 Days of Christmas

We invite families and individuals to participate in this new at home worship experience that we have cultivated to help families and individuals extend their celebration of Christmas and focus on the gifts that God has given us. Starting on December 15, families and individuals can pick up a 12 Days of Christmas bag from the table outside the Sanctuary. Inside the bag you will find 12 letters with devotions and instructions for various activities for each day to encourage reflection and prayer.

What is the 12 Days of Christmas? 
The 12 days of Christmas marks the time between Christmas, the birth of Christ, and Epiphany, the time when the Wise Men arrived at Bethlehem. The 12 days will start on Christmas day and go until January 5 which is Epiphany Sunday. 

What will we have to do? 
The activities have been designed so that all age and ability levels will be able to participate and enjoy the activities. They range from group and personal reflection and prayer to interactive activities that take place around your home with the provided 
materials. The activities also make use of the Bible and the new Melrose Baptist church app. 

What will I or my family gain from this experience? 
Not only will this give your family some time together but it will also open the minds of all participants to realize that the gifts and blessings we have received from God last long after Christmas. 

How can I participate? 
Individuals and families can pick up their 12 Days of Christmas bag starting on Sunday, December 15. The bags will be on a table located outside the Sanctuary. Please only take 1 bag per family but feel free to take a bag to pass onto family members or friends.

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