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Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 4

The difference in stamina in the high altitude, the 45-degree nights and 75-degree long days, and (for me) the bilingual mental gymnastics may begin to cause fatigue in our school trips or doubt in the women’s evening conferences and in my translating abilities.  
Verse for today:  You were running a great race!  Who blocked you from following the truth? This detour doesn’t come from the One who calls you.    Galatians 5:7-8 
Please pray Jesus’ strong Name over me and the team as we seek His strength, His patience, His peace, and to share His love.  

- Pastor Connie


Sheri Tickle - October 3rd, 2024 at 7:25am

Praying over you today Connie, for God’s help as you and others teach and guide these women. Praying for guidance and wisdom to help them understand the truth of Jesus and the peace that he brings. Blessings to you for doing the work he has assigned you to do at this moment in time. Allow him to be your strength and comfort as you go through each day.

Alan Malloy - October 3rd, 2024 at 3:54pm

Hope your mission is going well and you are feeling the love and prayers from the Melrose family. May the good Lord keep you safe.





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