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Bulletin for Sunday, December 15

As We Gather 

Opening of the Word
Ryan & Melanie Barger

Prelude: "'Tis A Gift to Be Simple"
Darcy Havens

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg

Fellowship Song: #393 "The Family of God" 

As We Guide

Lighting of the Advent Candle Peace

Lighting Song: "Hope, Peace, Joy, Love"

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg 

As We Give

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Greg

Offertory: "Hallelujah: Christmas"
Justin Broughman

Production: "Give the Gift Back"
Melrose Youth

Hymn: "Share Christ with One Another"

Pastor Mark

As We Go

Sending Song: Chorus of "Hope, Peace, Joy, Love"

Pastor Mark

Susan Matney


Dee- Hannah Bain
Angie/Angel- Nicole Huffman
Robert/Joseph- Justin Broughman
Ellie/Angel- Thalia Engebretson
Jordan/Shepherd- Brayden Pankey
Joel/Donkey- Pascal Kasinga
Grandpa/Wiseman- David Heath
Liz/Angel- Paasha Huffman
Julia/Mary- Brooklyn Taylor
Dan/Angel- Benjamin Lawson
Shepherd- Carson Jones

Bonfils Kasinga- Wiseman
Ryan Pankey- Angel
Landon Hill- sheep
Hugh Markham- Wiseman

Clara Richerson- Angel
Lillian Richerson- Angel

Stephanie Cook- Director
Tracie Conley- Assistant Director
Sandy and Chris Sloane- Production Assistants
Steve and Teresa Kennedy- Stage Design

A special thank you to Stephanie, Tracie, Sandy, and Chris for their
dedicated work in organizing and directing this performance. We also
thank Steve Kennedy for his hard work in the stage preparation along with our AV team Jay, Rick, and Stevie.

Events & Announcements 

Christmas Caroling
Pastor Greg invites children, youth, and their families to join him for an evening of caroling on Sunday, December 15 starting at 5 PM. If you are planning to come, please meet at the church at 5 PM so everyone can ride together in the church vans.
Blue Christmas Service
Winter always brings with it the longest night of the year and it just so happens to always take place during Advent. Join us on the longest night for a short worship service, called Blue Christmas, on Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 PM in the Sanctuary. This service incorporates the recognition of our sorrows and the joy that can also be found when we look towards the Light. Communion will also be served during this service. All are welcome!
12 Days of Christmas
We invite families and individuals to participate in this new at home worship experience that we have cultivated to help families and individuals extend their celebration of Christmas and focus on the gifts that God has given us. Starting on December 15, families and individuals can pick up a 12 Days of Christmas bag from the table outside the Sanctuary. Inside the bag you will find 12 letters with devotions and instructions for various activities for each day to encourage reflection and prayer.

Want to know more? GO HERE

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