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Bulletin for Sunday, February 16

As We Gather

Prelude: #157 "In this Very Room" & #359 "People Need the Lord"

Opening of the Word
Carolyn Tucker

Call to Worship: "What Joy!"

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Mark

Fellowship Song: #393 "The Family of God" & Chorus of "This Is Amazing Grace"

As We Guide

Children's Sermon
Pastor Mark & Somer Novak

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark

As We Give 

Hymn Medley: #491 "Shine, Jesus, Shine"

Offertory Prayer
Louise Via

Offertory: "We Are His Hands"
Sanctuary Choir, Melrose Instrumentalists, Susan Matney, & Pastor Connie, soloists

As We Grow 

WMU Focus
Mary Gilley

Scripture Reading: Mark 12:41-44
Karen Simmons

Sermon: "The Widow's Offering"
Somer Novak

In Invitation: #537 "Lord, Here Am I"


As We Go

Sending Song: "We Are the Body of Christ"

Postlude: "We Are the Body of Christ" 

WMU Watchword 2025

"Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well."
- 1 Thessalonians 2:8

Events & Announcements 

This Week: L.A.A.F
L.A.A.F welcomes those over 50 to their monthly gathering on Tuesday, February 18 at 10 AM. The program for this month is a presentation by Melrose church member Debby Hill about her trip to the Holy Land. The mission action project for this month is a drive for needed supplies for local schools. Please bring the following items for donation: boys sweatpants in sizes 6, 7, 8, leggings for girls in sizes 6, 7, 8, and underwear for girls and boys in the same sizes.

Lunch will follow the gathering at Olive Garden.
Calling all golfers!
Pastor Greg is collecting interest in a Melrose Baptist Golf League. The league would consist of teams of 2 and will be a Captains Choice format. The league would take place over 5 months will play taking place at different course each month. The league is free but all fees associated with each course will be the responsibility of each team. Play can be done on your own time!

If you are interested, please reach out to Pastor Greg (! If you do not have someone to play with, no worries- we will place you on a team for play!
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