12 Days of Christmas:
An At Home Worship Experience 

What is the 12 Days of Christmas?

The 12 Days of Christmas marks the time between Christmas (the birth of Jesus Christ) and the Epiphany (when the wise men arrived at Bethlehem). The 12 Days start on Christmas Day and run to January 5 which is Epiphany Sunday.
Inside this bag you will find activities and the needed supplies for your family to extend your celebration of Christmas, focus on the gifts which God gives us, and consider what gifts we might offer.

Day 1- December 25

On this first day of Christmas, we give thanks for the gift of Jesus. In John 3:16 we are told, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.”

Did you receive a gift today? What was the gift? What did it make you feel to receive that gift? Was there a gift you gave someone that you were excited for that person to receive?

Do you think God feels excited to give us gifts?

In your bag you will find a stack of post-it notes. As we celebrate the greatest gift ever given, Jesus, over the next 12 days, be aware and notice other gifts that God has given. These gifts can be in any form- people, places, or things. Every day of Christmas, let one family member thank God for a given gift and write or draw it on a post-it note. Choose a central location in your home to post all your notes so that at the end of the 12 days you will have created a collage of all of God’s gifts that you have discovered.

At the end of the day, say a prayer of thanks for the gift(s) that you discovered today.

Day 2- December 26

As a family, take time to first answer the question, “what does generosity mean?”

The dictionary defines generosity as “free in giving or sharing” and “abundant”. During these 12 Days of Christmas, we will be thinking about what gifts God gives us and what gifts we can give back to God.

Get your Bible or open your Melrose Baptist app and click on the “Bible” tab and read Hebrews 13:16.

Giving gifts and sharing pleases God. Who can your family think of that might need a blessing today? What are some gifts that you can give to others? We challenge your family to make a batch of cookies and gift them to someone who can use a blessing. It may be a neighbor, a friend, your postal worker, your teacher, the local firefighters, delivery drivers, or nurses. Pick someone and bless them today with this sweet gift!

Need a recipe? CLICK HERE.

Day 3- December 27

Take out your Bible or use the “Bible” tab on your Melrose Baptist app and read Psalm 136.

God’s love is so unique that many words have been used to describe it. Today, your family is going to be making a hard-to-name and unique substance- oobleck!

Use the recipe on the back of this card to make your oobleck.

Did you notice that God’s love is mentioned 26 times? Read the Psalm again but this time do it while using your oobleck. When reading the first part of each verse, squeeze your oobleck so that it is solid, like God’s love for you. When you get to “his faithful love continues forever” relax your palm and watch your oobleck spread.

Use this pattern of squeezing and relaxing the oobleck while praying to Psalm 136:1-3, 23.

Squeeze: Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good.
Relax: His faithful love continues forever. 
Squeeze: Give thanks to the greatest God of all.
Relax: His faithful love continues forever. 
Squeeze: Give thanks to the most powerful Lord of all.
Relax: His faithful love continues forever. 
Squeeze: Give thanks to the God who remembered us when things were going badly.
Relax: His faithful love continues forever.

Day 4- December 28

Read John 13:34-35.

On the night before Jesus died on the cross this was the commandment that he gave to his disciples. John, one of Jesus’ disciples, explained in his letter to other believers that Jesus taught and demonstrated love in action. (1 John 3:18)

Jesus wants us to spread God’s love everywhere. When we imitate God’s love and generosity what do you think happens?

Pray together for God to show your family where and how you can share your love and generosity. Maybe you can find inspiration from the list of local non-profits below and go to their website to see if they have immediate needs or sign up to volunteer. Figure out a plan and then go and spread God’s love!

Local Non-Profits
Family Promise of the Roanoke Valley

The Least of These Ministries

Keystone Community Center

Friendship House Roanoke

Kids Soar

Hope Tree Family Services

Rosalind Hills Baptist Church Food Pantry

The Rescue Mission of the Roanoke Valley

Day 5- December 29

Read 1 Corinthians 3:16.

As scripture tells us, with the gift of the Holy Spirit, God is not only with us but is within us. Let’s do an activity that can help us remember how the Holy Spirit lives within us.

Grab the pipettes from your bag and make a solution of 1 cup of warm water, 1 tablespoon of sugar. Sit until the sugar is dissolved. Then add 2 tablespoons of dish soap and stir gently. Using a pair of scissors, snip off the end of the bulb of the pipette.

Find a smooth and flat surface. Dip the end of the pipette into the soap solution. Hold the end of the pipette near your flat surface and slowly blow a bubble. Imagine that this bubble is you! Pull the pipette out of your bubble and dip it again in the solution. Now gently push the pipette through the bubble and blow a new bubble inside your first bubble! If you keep your second bubble smaller than your first bubble, you can remove your pipette and see that you now have a bubble inside a bubble. Imagine that the second bubble is the Holy Spirit living inside of you!

Keep going and see how many layers of bubbles you can make!

When you are done blowing the bubbles, pray together: Come, Holy Spirit, and live inside of me.

Need some help?
Watch an activity instruction video by CLICKING HERE. 

Day 6- December 30

Read Acts 2:43-45

Those who follow Jesus are to see their abundance as a chance to be generous to others who may not have as much. Together as a family, discuss what you all have in abundance together and individually. Are there ways that you could show generosity with the things that you have? What are they? What is something that you have in abundance that you could offer as a godly gift to someone else?

Remember, this is a way to show God’s love. If you are not sure if someone would appreciate what you are giving, ask yourself if you would be blessed by receiving it yourself.

After your family discussion, pray together: “Holy Spirit, show us who is in need around us and how can we help. Amen.”

Day 7- December 31

Read Exodus 20:8.

God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. Taking a time of rest is one of the 10 Commandments. The word sabbath comes from “shabbat” which means to rest or cease from work. It also comes from the word “nuakh” which means to be present with God. Sabbath means that we stop and take time away from the busyness and spend time with God so that God can refresh us.

God has given us the gift of Sabbath to help us remember that life is not all about what we do. As a family, come up with a plan for how you can enjoy God’s gift of Sabbath together. Maybe go and do an activity that you all enjoy or prepare a meal together?

As you are planning your Sabbath pray: “God, help us take time today to relax and feel refreshed in only the way that you can refresh us. May we spend today honoring this gift of rest you have given us. Amen.”

Day 8- January 1, 2025

Read Luke 21.

While Jesus watched the people giving their offerings at the temple, he praised the widow who only gave 2 small copper coins. Other people may have given more but Jesus explained that the widow had given all she had. Biblical generosity is sharing what we have and trusting that God will always make sure that we have enough.

Together as a family, think about how God is calling you to be more generous. Is it having a jar in the kitchen to hold change that you can then donate to a local non-profit? Is there someone near you who could use a homecooked meal? Pray together for God to show you all how to share what you have in abundance with others.

Day 9- January 2, 2025

Today we are celebrating the gift of being adopted into God’s family! With your family, read Ephesians 1:5-6. After the first reading, read it again but replace every “us” with “me”. Then go around and each person share how they feel they knowing that they have been adopted into God’s family and what does that mean?

It means that God loves you endlessly and will always be there for you. You are a valued member of God’s family and God cares about everything you care about.

In Genesis, we are told of the story of Abram (later Abraham) who was promised by God to become the father of a great nation. Years went by and Abram still did not have any children. In Genesis 15, God tells Abram to look at the night sky and count the stars. How ever many stars he could count was how many children he would have.

In your bag you will find a bag of glow in the dark stars. Pick a place in your home and put them up. Every time you see them may they help you remember that you are a child of God and have been adopted into God’s family!

Pray this prayer as you hang the stars: "God, thank you for adopting me into your family and thank you for all the wonderful gifts you give me. Amen."

Day 10- January 3, 2025

Read 1 John 3:16-18.

Since we have been adopted into God’s family, we now have many brothers and sisters that are located all around the world. How do you think God would want us to treat the members of our family?

On the back of your card, you will find names and addresses of Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Field Personnel that are located around the world. As a family, pick one of the field personnel and write them a letter of encouragement, then mail it to them. If you want, pack them a small box of goodies including books, snacks, and items of encouragement. Make sure to check the Field Personnel’s website to see the work they doing in their area.

Pray over your letter or box before sending it so that the field personnel feel loved and supported through your small act of love.

CBF Field Personnel
Jade & Shelah Acker- Kampala, Uganda

Rick Burnette- Immokalee, FL

Scarlette Jasper- Corbin, KY

Kim & Marc Wyatt

Carson & Laura Foushee- Kanazawa, Japan

Out of respect for their privacy and safety, we are not able to publish the field personnel's addresses. If you are in need of one of the field personnel's address, please email Blair at communications@melrosebaptist.org

Day 11- January 4, 2025

Read Psalm 86:8,10 and Ephesians 2:10.

In your bag you will see a wooden cross. Working together as a family, decorate your cross. Open your church app and click on the “12 Days of Christmas Tab” to see some decorating ideas or you can come up with one together. Place your decorated cross in your home in a central location.

Every time someone in your family sees the cross remember that every member of your family is a masterpiece created by God! You are called as a member of God’s family to partner with Jesus in the good things that God has gotten ready for you to do. As you are decorating your cross, discuss together what gifts each member of your family has that is calling you to share with the world.

After placing your finished cross, pray aloud: “God thank you for all your gifts and for making me a masterpiece. Please guide me and show me what good things I can do with Jesus today. Amen.”

Need some ideas for decorating your cross?
Watch this idea video by CLICKING HERE. 

Day 12- January 5, 2025

Read Galatians 5:22-26

Since we are adopted into God’s family- what do we need to know about living in God’s family? In his letter to the Galatians, Paul spends some time talking about the types of things we should not do but also about the gifts that God brings into our life. Paul explains that these “fruits” of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. You might be wondering, “does one have to have all of these things to be a member of God’s family?” The answer is “No!” Paul was not saying that God want us to learn to be all these things but that as a part of God’s family, the Holy Spirit “produces” these Fruits of the Spirit within us!

Take the seed kit from your bag and prepare it together. Place it somewhere in your home where everyone in your family can see it. Watch together over time as the seed you planted grows and grows into a plant. While you watch the seed grow, think about how the Holy Spirit has planted these fruits within you and is growing them all the time.    

Need some help preparing your seed kit?
Watch the instruction video by CLICKING HERE.