Bulletin for Sunday, September 15

Bulletin for Sunday, September 15, 2024


Sunday School Class Focus
Pat Smith, Truth Seekers

Teresa Wallace

Opening of the Word

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg

Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God"


Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg 


Hymn of the Month: #571 "This is the Day" & #506 "In Christ Alone"

Melrose Ministry Focus

Offertory Prayer
Pat Tickle

Offertory: "Cornerstone"
Sanctuary Choir & Susan Matney

Pastoral Prayer 


Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2:1-10

Sermon: "Just a Bunch of Rocks?"
Pastor Mark

In Invitation: #346 "The Church's One Foundation"



Sending Song: #511 "The Solid Rock", chorus only


Susan Matney 


"So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.""
- Isaiah 28:16

Events & Announcements

A picture of a scene from the movie Rio. It features three birds. From left to right there is a tucan with a large orange beak, a blue parrot in the middle with a large black beak, and a smaller blue parrot on the right with a smaller black beak. The scene shows all three birds standing looking at something with their wings over each other such as friends do for pictures.
Children's Movie Night- Sunday, September 22 at 5 PM
Children are invited to come and watch RIO with us on Sept. 22 at 5 PM. Children are welcome to bring a friend with them! Snacks will be provided during the movie! 
Sunday School Appreciation Dinner
The Sunday School leaders invite all teachers, co-teachers, substitute teachers, outreach leaders, and their guests to a night of appreciation on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall. No RSVP is necessary! 
A graphic from the Red Cross that features an illustration on the left with a red background. In the middle of the red background is an illustration of a bright red blood bag with a white outline. Inside the bag are all type of blood represented by letters and plus and minus signs. The right of the image is a white background with red type that says All Blood Types Are Needed.
Upcoming: Red Cross Blood Drive
Please help us save lives by signing up to donate during our upcoming blood drive on Sat., Sept. 28 from 10 AM- 2 PM. You can sign up to donate BY CLICKING HERE. If you need help making your appointment to donate, please call Blair at 540-366-6631 ext. 5 and she will help you make your appointment. 
A graphic for Mens Ministry with a dark green textured background. The wording is placed within a triangle in the middle of the graphic with a circle behind it.
New: Men's Ministry Bible Study
Tom Tickle is inviting all men to join Melrose's new Men's Ministry Bible Study starting on Tues., Sept. 10 at 6:30 PM in the Grace classroom. This new ministry is a chance for men to gather together weekly for a time of support, fellowship, and Bible study. Please enter the church using the back double doors by the Sanctuary. 
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