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Bulletin for Sunday, October 20

As We Gather 

Sunday School Focus
Jan Heath- Children's Director

Prelude: #275 "Celebrate Jesus"
Sanctuary Choir & Melrose Instrumentalists

Opening of the Word

Pastor Greg

Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God" & "This is a Place of Grace" 

As We Guide

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg

As We Give 

Hymn: "By Faith"

Celebration Sunday Report
Cathy Craver

Offertory Prayer
Pastor Connie

Offertory: #569 "The Joy of the Lord" & #25 "Let It Rise"
Melrose Instrumentalists & Susan Matney

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark 

As We Grow

Scripture Reading: Psalm 112
Kathryn Pankey

Message in Music: "He Never Failed Me Yet"
Sanctuary Choir & Susan Matney, Soloists- Amy Mofield & Pastor Connie

Sermon: "The Rewards of Generosity"
Pastor Mark

An Invitation: #547 "We Are an Offering" 

As We Go

Pastor Greg

Sending Song: "The Blessing Song"

Pastor Mark

Postlude: #569 "The Joy of the Lord" 

Events & Announcements 

This Sunday: Blessing of the Animals
We invite all those with furry family members to join us for a short Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 20 at 4 PM on the lawn by the playground. All animals will be
given a blessing and a certificate of blessing. Please keep all animals leashed during the time on the church campus. Bags will be available in order for owners to clean up after their animals.
Next Week: Fall Festival
We are getting ready for one of our largest and most fun community events of the year, our FALL FESTIVAL! We have a whole afternoon of fun activities for all ages scheduled. To see the schedule for the day, GO HERE. You can also see the schedule by clicking on the image within your Melrose Baptist app! 


  • Candy Donations: We are in desperate need of donations of candy to use during the trick-or-treating part of our festival. Donations can be placed in the Fellowship Hall!  
  • Crock Pot Cook-Off: If you want to participate in our cook-off, please let Pastor Greg or Blair know by next week! There will be a sign up sheet outside the Sanctuary on the bulletin board if you wish to sign up that way.

For more information, GO HERE

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