Bulletin for Sunday, November 10
Verse of the Week
"Even now- this is the Lord's declaration- turn to Me with all your heart."
- Joel 2:12
- Joel 2:12
As We Gather
Judy Caudill
Opening of the Word
Jay Taylor
Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg
Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God"
Judy Caudill
Opening of the Word
Jay Taylor
Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg
Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God"
As We Guide
Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg
Pastor Greg
As We Give
Hymn Medley: #112 "Grace Alone" & #672 "For All These Things"
Offertory Prayer
Pastor Connie
Offertory: "The Heart of Worship"
Sanctuary Choir, Amy Mofield (soloists), & Susan Matney
Veterans Day Recognition
Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark
Offertory Prayer
Pastor Connie
Offertory: "The Heart of Worship"
Sanctuary Choir, Amy Mofield (soloists), & Susan Matney
Veterans Day Recognition
Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark
As We Grow
Scripture Reading: Romans 16:17-20
Pat Tickle
Sermon: "A New Map"
Pastor Mark
An Invitation: #365 "We've a Story to Tell"
Pat Tickle
Sermon: "A New Map"
Pastor Mark
An Invitation: #365 "We've a Story to Tell"
As We Go
Pastor Mark
Sending Song: #387 "The Bond of Love"
Pastor Mark
Susan Matney
Pastor Mark
Sending Song: #387 "The Bond of Love"
Pastor Mark
Susan Matney
Events & Announcements

Donations Appreciated: Thanksgiving Food Boxes
One of our ministry partners, Keystone Community Center, packs and distributes Thanksgiving food boxes to give out to families that utilize their services. We will be accepting donations for these food boxes until Wednesday, November 13. All donations can be placed in the Fellowship Hall or in the labeled box located behind the kitchen.
For the list of needed items, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
One of our ministry partners, Keystone Community Center, packs and distributes Thanksgiving food boxes to give out to families that utilize their services. We will be accepting donations for these food boxes until Wednesday, November 13. All donations can be placed in the Fellowship Hall or in the labeled box located behind the kitchen.
For the list of needed items, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Church Wide Clean-Up Day
As many of you know our church custodian, Tim Whitt, is on medical leave. As we pray for Tim’s healing and await his return, we are calling on our church family to help us tidy and clean our church building. On Saturday, November 16 starting at 9 AM we invite all to bring their mops, brooms, and buckets to the church and help us clean. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to Debby Hill or Pastor Mark.
As many of you know our church custodian, Tim Whitt, is on medical leave. As we pray for Tim’s healing and await his return, we are calling on our church family to help us tidy and clean our church building. On Saturday, November 16 starting at 9 AM we invite all to bring their mops, brooms, and buckets to the church and help us clean. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to Debby Hill or Pastor Mark.

Operation Christmas Child 2024
We invite you to help participate in this year’s Operation Christmas Child drive by picking up a box to fill this Sunday. Boxes are located outside the Sanctuary and near the stage in the Fellowship Hall. We invite you to bring your packed box back to Melrose on Sunday, November 24. To learn more about Operation Christmas Child and to learn what to pack in a box, go to the Samaritan’s Purse website HERE.
We invite you to help participate in this year’s Operation Christmas Child drive by picking up a box to fill this Sunday. Boxes are located outside the Sanctuary and near the stage in the Fellowship Hall. We invite you to bring your packed box back to Melrose on Sunday, November 24. To learn more about Operation Christmas Child and to learn what to pack in a box, go to the Samaritan’s Purse website HERE.
Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 1Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 2Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 3The Messenger: October 2024Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 4Bulletin for Sunday, October 6Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 5Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 8Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 5 & 6Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 9Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 10Thanksgiving Food Boxes 2024Peru Mission Prayer Calendar- Day 11Bulletin for Sunday, October 13 2024October Business Meeting HighlightsBulletin for Sunday, October 20Bulletin for Sunday, October 27The Messenger: November 2024Bulletin for Sunday, November 3
The Compass: A Children & Youth Ministries UpdateBulletin for Sunday, November 10Bulletin for Sunday, November 17Advent 2024Bulletin for Sunday, November 24November Business Meeting HighlightsThe Messenger: December 202412 Days of ChristmasBulletin for Sunday, December 1- Christmas CantataPastor Mark's Reflections
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