Bulletin for Sunday, September 29
As We Gather
Sunday School Class Focus
Pastor Greg- Joyful Disciples
Prelude: "Touching Heaven, Changing Earth"
Melrose Instrumentalists
Opening of the Word
Kathryn, Brayden, & Ryan Pankey
Pastor Mark
Welcome Song: #393 "Family of God"
Pastor Greg- Joyful Disciples
Prelude: "Touching Heaven, Changing Earth"
Melrose Instrumentalists
Opening of the Word
Kathryn, Brayden, & Ryan Pankey
Pastor Mark
Welcome Song: #393 "Family of God"
As We Guide
Child Dedication of Fletcher Diane Perdue
Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg
Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg
As We Give
Hymn of the Month: #571 "This is the Day" & #365 "Song for the Nations"
Melrose Ministry Focus: Our Missions Partners
Offertory Prayer
Stephanie Cook
Offertory: "When You Believe"
Amy Mofield, soloists & Pastor Connie
Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Greg
Melrose Ministry Focus: Our Missions Partners
Offertory Prayer
Stephanie Cook
Offertory: "When You Believe"
Amy Mofield, soloists & Pastor Connie
Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Greg
As We Grow
Scripture Reading: Romans 15:22-33
Mary Gilley
Sermon: "A Conversation"
Pastor Mark & Paul Baxley
An Invitation: #380 "Make Me a Blessing"
Mary Gilley
Sermon: "A Conversation"
Pastor Mark & Paul Baxley
An Invitation: #380 "Make Me a Blessing"
As We Go
Commissioning of Pastor Connie
Sending Song: #364 "Send the Light"
Commissioning of Pastor Connie
Sending Song: #364 "Send the Light"
Events & Announcements
TONIGHT- Sing Share at 6:30 PM
Join us for a night of adoration and praise through music as we join with Vinton Baptist Church for a wonderful evening. Please plan to join us at Vinton Baptist Church at 6 PM this Sunday.
Upcoming- Youth Group Reunion
Anyone who has been a part of the Melrose Baptist Youth Group is welcome to attend a reunion on Saturday, October 5 from 11 AM- 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be served at 1 PM with a group picture being taken at 3 PM. If you have any questions please contact Pam Wheeling.
Fall Bible Study AND Our New App
Pastor Mark invites all to join him for an 8-week Bible study starting on Wed., Sept. 25 at 6:15 PM in the Sanctuary. This season’s study is called, “What Comes Next: The Kingdom, Eternal Life, and the Return of Christ.” During this study Pastor Mark will be bringing light to the Kingdom of God, death and eternal life, the return of Christ, and judgment and renewal.
If you cannot join us in-person, then plan to join us virtually by watching the live stream on the NEW Melrose Baptist Church app! Within our own app you will find a curated Bible reading plan by Pastor Mark to go along with the study, live streamed study sessions as well as previously streamed sessions, our podcast series, church events and announcements, and so much more! Download the app now by clicking below!
If you cannot join us in-person, then plan to join us virtually by watching the live stream on the NEW Melrose Baptist Church app! Within our own app you will find a curated Bible reading plan by Pastor Mark to go along with the study, live streamed study sessions as well as previously streamed sessions, our podcast series, church events and announcements, and so much more! Download the app now by clicking below!
Upcoming- October Creatives Night
We will be holding our next Creatives Night on Sun., Oct. 5 at 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall. During the evening Kelda Flinchum will be walking us through customizing glass blocks using vinyl decals, ribbons, and lights. We are asking those that are planning to participate to please provide their own glass block by either:
The cost of the glass block is $8.99 and all others materials are being provided. We ask that you please register by Wed., Oct. 2!
- Filling out the registration form below!
- Registering by telling Blair you are coming and how you will pay for your glass block. You can call her at the office at 540-366-6631, ext. 5.
- You can also order your own glass block from Hobby Lobby HERE.
The cost of the glass block is $8.99 and all others materials are being provided. We ask that you please register by Wed., Oct. 2!
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