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Bulletin for Sunday, February 2, 2025

As We Gather

Opening of the Word
Pastor Connie

Susan Matney

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Mark

Fellowship Song: #393 "The Family of God" 

As We Guide

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg 

As We Give

Hymn Medley: #586 "Rejoice in the Lord Always" & #588 "Sanctuary"

Offertory Prayer
Pascal Kasinga

Offertory: "This is Amazing Grace"
Pastors Connie and Greg, Susan Matney, Ty Lawson, Justin Broughman, and Bonfils Kasinga

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Mark

Scripture Reading: Ruth 1:1-18, Luke 10:30-37
Pastor Trice

Sermon: "Don't Leave Bethlehem"
Pastor Trice, Nathanael Kasinga (translator)

Partaking in Holy Communion

Hymn: #436 "Rock of Ages"


As We Go

Hymn: #276 "Aleluya"

Pastor Trice

Susan Matney 

Events & Announcements 

Commonwealth Competition
So far it looks like Virginia Tech is in the lead, but UVA still has some time to bring in some donations to get ahead! The Children in Action program is asking for help in supporting our Backpack Ministry. Please bring in the following items listed below through Sunday, February 9. Donation boxes are located outside of the Sanctuary. Please place your donations in the box of your favorite team.

Items Needed:
- Individual packets of instant oatmeal packaged in box- any flavor
- Individual packets of Ramen- any flavor
- Fruit cups
- Boxed mac and cheese- 7.25 oz box

The results so far is that Virginia Tech has collected 288 fruit cups, 41 boxes of oatmeal, 17 boxes of ramen, and 32 boxes of macaroni and cheese. UVA has collected 96 fruits cups, 3 boxes of ramen, 12 boxes of oatmeal, and 50 boxes of macaroni and cheese.
Youth Super Bowl Party
Youth are invited to come and watch the Super Bowl together at Pastor Mark's house on Sunday, February 9 at 6 PM. Please note that youth who are interested are asked to be dropped off and picked up at Pastor Mark's house, not the church. If you need the address, please reach out to Pastors Greg or Mark.
WMU Focus Training
The WMU invite anyone interested to join them on Saturday, February 8 from 12:30-3 PM at Connelly Memorial Church on Thirlane Road to learn about the effects social media is having on our youth, how we can effectively relate to them, and, help them deal with the stress of life.

The presentation will be given by Rhonda Pedigo, a Counselor with the Roanoke City School System, and Lisa Wolfe, a Youth Pastor in Southwest Virginia. No registration is necessary.
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