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Bulletin for Sunday, January 26

As We Gather

Opening of the Word
Joan Mullins

Prelude: #342 "Thy Word" & #343 "Word of God"
Melrose Instrumentalists & Susan Matney

Greeting & Welcome
Pastor Greg

Welcome Song: #393 "The Family of God"

As We Guide

Children's Sermon
Pastor Greg

As We Give

Hymn: #344 "Ancient Words" & #345 "Holy Bible, Book Divine"

Melrose Ministry Focus: Backpack Ministry
Patty Huffman

Offertory Prayer
Leslie Dixon

Offertory: "Written in Red"
Sanctuary Choir & Susan Matney

Pastoral Prayer
Pastor Greg

As We Grow

Scripture: Psalm 119:41-48
Kyle Draper

Sermon: "Game Day"
Pastor Mark

An Invitation: #499 "Victory in Jesus" 

As We Go

Pastor Mark

Sending Song: Chorus of #499 "Victory in Jesus"

Susan Matney 

Events & Announcements 

Commonwealth Competition 2025
Sometimes a little friendly competition and team spirit is good for the soul! The Children in Action program is challenging Melrose Baptist to show some team spirit while also supporting our Backpack Ministry. We invite you to wear your favorite team's gear this Sunday for worship to kick-off the "Commonwealth Competition." To support our Backpack Ministry we will be asking you to bring in the following items listed below through Sunday, February 9. In the hallway you will see two boxes, one decorated for Virginia Tech and one decorated for UVA. Please place your donations in the box of your favorite team. The winner will be announced on February 9!

Items Needed:
- Individual packets of instant oatmeal packaged in box- any flavor
- Individual packets of Ramen- any flavor
- Fruit cups
- Boxed mac and cheese- 7.25 oz box
Local Office on Aging Soup for Seniors
Melrose Baptist's Women's Missionary Union is invited you to help them collect items needed for local seniors for the Local Office on Aging's Soup for Seniors. Items will be collected until Sunday, February 2 with collection boxes being located in the Fellowship Hall.

Items Requested from LOA:
  • Soup
  • Peanut Butter
  • Canned Meats
  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Crackers
  • Oatmeal
  • Boost or Ensure

No glass containers and please remember to check the expiration dates. 
March Mission Trip
Join us as we help victims of Hurricane Helene! Pastor Mark invites anyone interested in join him for a week long mission trip to Damascus, VA from March 16-22. The team going will be working with Impact Missions to help those whose homes were lost or damaged due to Hurricane Helene. If you wish to learn more or want to sign up, please email Pastor Mark at ASAP.
Dartball Fellowship Resuming
Melrose's Dartball Fellowship will resume meeting on Monday, February 3 at 6:30 PM. Dartball is a fun, interactive game that is a combination of darts and baseball. All experience are welcome and those coming are welcome to bring a snack to share.
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